Monday, October 25, 2010


When the world gives you "no" as the answer perhaps give the universe more "yes" and you can shift the paradigm. As I write this entry from a hotel room stranded in LA for an entire day, I am left to reflect on "what is the highest teaching?" of this experience. I feel that because I was faced with a BIG "no" not allowing me to make my flight I responded with "yes." Yes to staying in a smoking room, that I would never do typically. Yes to meal vouchers to restaurants that would not be my first choice in food. Yes to a brand new schedule and optimism in a less than likely situation. Yes to no access to my luggage and making do with the clothes on my back and my work backpack.

Oddly enough the movie "Yes Man" comes on while I am stuck in the hotel room. My situation allowed me to see it in a different light. Perhaps the attitude of YES no matter what, will prevail any NO. Boundaries are necessary but being the flow with nature is about saying YES! I can tell these teachings that John Friend has offered in practice have paid off. When I was told there is no possibility of getting where I wanted today... I chuckled and said YES to what is next. I felt like I was on adventure and a new obstacle course of opportunities.

We even hold our posture differently when thinking NO and thinking YES! Yes, feels much more lively and open so I stand with a big proud YES to everything and look forward to the adventures of NO that most likely will come my way one way or another.

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